Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Anklular update

I'm back at work. This is a good thing as far as I'm concerned because there is only so much sitting around at home I can do. I'm not saying that I don't like sitting around at home, but I'd much rather be at work, that's all. I feel bad for having time as it'll just make things harder for the rest of the team I work with. 

Having not been off work before in like an official capacity (I've been ill for like a day once or twice) I had to have my "back to work" meeting. This was basically a are you fit for work and is it going to cause you any problem being back. Well I want to be here, but my foot still hurts. Notice I said foot, my ankle is actually alright. It's a little swollen but the ankle is quite good and I've got like 95% movement in it. The only reason I don't have 100% movement is because the small damage section is still swollen. I made the mistake of mentioning it to my line manager, and thus I was sent back to the doctors.

After the chop-shop of City Hospital A&E going to see my doctor was a blessing. Ok, so he did the same poking and prodding and bending my foot and came to the conclusion that 1; it's not broken (yay!) and 2; the ligament hasn't snapped (even bigger yay!). What I have done is damaged my tibofibula (?) ligament, which splays out across the foot from the ankle. There is a possibility that I've torn a few strands of ligament tissue but the whole injury normally take 2 to 6 weeks to heal. I've still got 3 weeks left so I'll be taking it easy. I also found out what the pain is in my foot. It feels like I've dropped a brick on my foot and the pain is like a searing deep pain across the bones of my right foot. 

Apparently I have tendonitis. This is not cool but manageable. I foresee some physio in the near future.

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