Friday, 27 May 2011


With the current economic crisis and the sudden price increase in shoes I'll be honest and say that I cannot sustain going through 2 pairs of shoes a year. I know the price increase is only around £10 but it puts most shoes over £100 now. So I set out to find an alternative, as I'm sick of retiring shoes because my toes have busted through the end... enter the resoling market.

After a little research I went with Cheshire Shoe Repairs (here) simply because they where cheaper. My other option was Feet First, who do offer discount when you send multiple pairs but you have to pay extra for toe-box replacements. Cheshire Shoe Repairs include toe boxes in the price and are slightly cheaper. To make things even better I got to have a good look at a pair of resoles shoes (by Cheshire) before I sent them off. Needless to say they looked good. 

I'll just point out that if you've managed to put a hole right through the end of your climbing shoe then you'll be needing a toe box replacement. This means that they'll replace the whole front of your toe therefore covering up said whole. I'd managed to do this (in a big way on one shoe). I actually sent off 2 pairs of shoes to them. My La Sportiva Muira's and a pair of Boreal Pyro's belonging to Killian. The Pyro's themselves had a good amount of rubber on them, but Killian hates it as apparently it's not very good, plus I've been raving on about stealth rubber for a while. As for the Muiras they are very good shoes, but the rubber seemed to wear out really quickly. I fid them so comfy that I really didn't want to get rid of them, but managed to put hole through both toes, hence the resole. Cheshire do offer 4 different types of rubber, but personally I would use anything other than 5.10 stealth rubber. 

My first impressions are that they are really good. The toe shape has changed a little and is more similar to my 5.10 anasazis. When I actually put them on you can tell at the front where the new rubber has been applied but they still fit like a dream. They've not really changed in fit and are still as comfy as ever. I'm really looking forward to see how they perform at the weekend on the Lleyn Penisular.

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