Monday, 22 April 2013

Echoes (by Nick Bullock)

I've recently been reading Echoes, written by Nick Bullock and I must say what an excellent book it it. I've not been reading much for a long time and it wasn't until I finally started reading this that I realized how much I've missed reading. I'm sorry to say that although Soames lent me the book about two months ago I've only started it this week! It has been a utter pleasure to loose myself in such honest yet scatterbrained literature.

I've not known very much about Nick Bullock, other than he likes climbing at Gogarth and he's a bloody good if scary alpinist who attempts hard routes in good style, whether or not he succeeds is another matter. He book has let me have a glimpse of his lifestyle and the choices that ave led up to them. It's quite clear that his years working in the prison service failed to mould him into just another rat-race chasing person. Instead they've done quite the opposite and caused him to throw his life into a completely different direction. I like his honest approach in how he talks about how his drive to climb had defined his life and has affected all aspects of it, from relationships to friendships, to the changing of some long held opinions about people and society.

After work each day I've lay in my tent, waiting for my trangia to boil (which gives me plenty of time) and lost myself in his writing. I feel like I can connect with him on some level, however small it might be. And on those levels that I don't connect, or with those experiences which I've not had, I find myself wondering if I'll ever be to some of the places he's been or climb some of the routes he's climb.

It's is simply a joy to read, so thank you Nick.

Nick Bullocks blog can be found here

And his DMM page with a bit of back ground information about him here.

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