Instead of jetting off to far off places and grand inspiring
locations (read: North Wales) I spent a day in the Peak District on Saturday,
climbing at Froggatt Edge. It was a nice simple day.
Armed with a reasonably early start and all my Peak District
guidebooks I picked up Ronnie and decided where we’d go climbing that day. I
had no idea about the weather as I don’t have very much internet access (mainly
only when I’m at work) but it was good in Birmingham when I got out of bed and
did in fact say pretty mild for the rest of the day. There was a lot of wind
blowing at Froggatt when we got there but once you dropped down to the base of
the crag it was barely noticeable.
Eager to try something a little harder the next route we did
was Ratbag (E2 5b) which takes the
middle of the slab just to the left of Tody’s Wall. Considering it was graded
5b and claimed to be runout I didn’t find any particular difficulties on it.
Now this could have been down to me under estimating my own abilities, maybe
the route was soft for the grade or I was just having a good day. I miss I’d
done Motorcade (which gets E1 5a and lies to the right of Tody’s Wall) as a
comparison. Regardless the route was good, with a series of nice moves with
high steps and rock overs on good, yet slabby holds. A definite for lower grade
slab addicts.
Ronnie then took on Tody’s Wall and well, let just say he
spent a long time lying on the block in what looked like a very awkward position
before he decided to bin his attempt. As a consolation me and Ronnie did the
cave crawl route, which I still maintain is one of the best routes at Froggatt,
sans head torches!
I finished the day with our final route with took the left
hand arĂȘte of Tody’s wall, again E2 5b. This route (named Grip) claimed to be at the top end of the grade and very exposed.
Again it was a lovely section of slab and arĂȘte climbing and well worth doing.
As for runout, well the protection is in the same break as for Ratbag so it isn’t that runout. The
climbing was definitely worth of the 5b this time and it was sustained all the
way to the top. I took me a while to actually get established on the face (from
the break) but once I was on it I flew up it. It was just one of those routes
that flowed I guess.
Then for god only knows what reason I started having an awful
headache and throwing up. I still don’t know what caused it but I had no
painkillers with me. I wasn’t dehydrated so the current blames lies with a pork
pie I’d brought to eat for the day. This meant that my day ended on a bit of a
low note.
25/02/12. Hen Cloud
This was a less than fulling day out, only because the
weather was so good but the motivation wasn’t there. I say the weather was good
but in the morning it was bitterly cold and thus this affected the motivation
somewhat. I should have manned up and just got on with climbing.
Still I got to Hen Cloud and managed to get one route in
before the grand bailing. I’ve been slowly working my way through the HVS
routes up there and today it was the turn of Bachelors Left Hand (HVS 5b). Previously I’ve attempted this route
before, but I bailed because it was too cold and I was in no state of mind to
run it out. Instead today I racked up leaving my 2 large cams behind and
carrying only a few runners. I knew the start was hard and that I’d have to
climb quickly to get through it.
The weather was pretty mild, though the sun I’d been promised
was refusing to show itself. The only bit of worry I had about the route was
the large area of rather luminous green looking lichen that the route crossed
but I’d figured that it would probably be ok. The start was as hard as I
remembered with though moves getting out of the top of the crack which flared
outwards to gain the good horizontal break. The downside to getting the good
break is that there are pretty much no positive footholds other, you’re just
down to smearing on the face. By now my hands were getting pretty chilled what
from jamming my hands into the crack. I’d felt the warmth being sucked out of
them each time I did it. It was defiantly a day for some hardcore slab
With freezing fingers I groped for a little pocket in the
face. Relying on feeling the handhold wasn’t a option as my finger were really
that cold and I just banked on the fact that I’d managed to get three fingers
over three knuckles deep into that pocket and I pulled up. They held, I didn’t
fall off and I carried on pulling up till I got my feet on the good rest and I
could rewarm my hands, a much needed luxury!
About 6 months ago I’d have been a right state about leading
something like this. I generally stay away from steep or overhanging routes because
you can simply pump out and fall off. Slab climbing that isn’t really an
option. Recently it seems my attitude has changed for the better and I’ve
developed a “meh” approach running it out. It figure that I’ll probably not
fall off, but then if I do I’ll have protected the route anyway and I’m not
exactly going to get hurt.
With what I was pretty sure was the crux done I got stuck
into tackling the luminous green section of the wall which stood between me and
the finish to Bachelors Climb
original finish (which I’ve done before). After a quick check about which way I
was supposed to be going across this small second of slab (the guidebook was very
ambiguous and thoroughly unhelpful) and I tested standing on the green. I don’t
know how but it held and didn’t seem of be slippy at all. Soon I was nipping
over this section, cursing myself for leaving behind the large cams, but
grateful that there was nut slot anyway and I lay backed by way up the finally
section to the victory… well the top at least anyway.
Killian had an even tougher time than me seconding the
route. He slipped off a couple of times which I know must have angered him and
I had to watch on unable to do anything as he suffered with vicious hot aches.
He still topped out in style but I could see in his eye that his heart wasn’t
in it today. Maybe it was the cold rock, or the hard route to start with, or
maybe Hen Cloud is just as imposing as it looks (and I just enjoy that
feeling). We took a walk along the top to check out the left hand end of the
cliff, which I know I’ve neglected over the years. A couple of routes caught my
eye, both jamming cracks (Delstree and Reunion Crack) and I’ve had visions of
doing either one as the last route of the day in the dying light of the golden evening
With a single route done but several hours of the day left
oddly we bailed from the crag, ending up at my old university climbing wall
cruising their hardest routes before each heading our separate ways home.
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