But will he fit through the trap! |
Then it was Sid's turn to lead and he took and grotty VS 4c route that provided much amusement for the spectators. Rob then lead fairy steps as Toaf was procrastinating and trying to put off actually leading a route. Fairy Steps is a run out VS that mean if you mess it up you'll suffer a nsaty landing. A great example of head games over technical ability as the holds are good enough. Rob led it in fine style especially after Toaf threatened to rescue him. Sadly the rain drew in so Toaf managed to get out of leading anything and head dropped down into Hathersage for some food at the pub. Then it was off the wardlow mires for a couple of beers at the three stags head.
A dramatic rescue takes place! |
Sunday and we finally decided on Black Rocks and in keeping with the style of Sids ascent we found to of the grottiest gully's and chimneys there, Sand Gully (VD) and Deep Chimeny (VD). Both of which provided some great amusement. Then we had a small accident. Sid slipped off Birch Tree wall and decked from about 4/5 metres. He's not got any gear in below him that would have held it, but none of us thought he was going to fall off. Both feet hit the floor flat and with pretty straight legs which I guess must have contributed to his injury. Initially I suspected a bad sprain but once Rach had removed his climbing shoes it became clear that he might have broken something.
It was action stations striaght away. I don't think anyone ever considered actually calling mountain rescue. Rach ran off to the nearest cafe to get some ice, while me and Rob fed side some sugar and made him comfortable. We packed up the sacks and Rachel and Rob took them back to the car. In the mean time I stayed with Sid and bandaged his ankle up. Worryingly his head started lolling a little so I decided to get moving. I figured that we'd meet Rach & Rob on the way down. In the end walking across the scree proved so hard that I carried Sid.
The pain was enough for him to cope while we got to Macclesfield hospital. I know it's not the closest, but it made the most sense seeing as it wasn't a life threatening injury. That was sunday, and he was out of hospital tuesday, after having his foot operated on. I'm wishing that he'll make a good recovery soon enough, then we can finish Birch Tree Wall.
Sid, not looking happy. |
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