The club milled around for a bit before smaller groups broke off and went to different areas and routes. Laura set off up a HS near us in the quarry and Me and Sid geared up for Waleska (VS 4c). This route had been recommended by Prescott to me. This would have been Sid's second time climbing outside, he first being trying to second me up Bond Street at Millstone and having the learn to jam pretty quick. He got 3/4 of the way up while it was damp so I thought a nice dry VS would be right up his street. A brief discussion on double routes and off I went. The weather was now picking up and the sun poking through, but it was still bitterly cold in the quarry.
Waleska was awesome. A great little route that wiggled across the face following a good crack line/system. I sent it pretty quick and made sure my rope protected the traverse in the middle for Sid. I yelled some instructions to Sid about tying in, realising that I should have spent more time explained the whole system of how leading and seconding a route works instead of being so impatient. As I brought up Sid I reminded him to take the gear out as he passed it too! I felt such a idiot as I'd assumed he'd just know it all. As I was belaying Matt wondered across the top to see what I was doing and comment on the fact that he couldn't believe I just trusted my gear to the point I'd just hang off it. I just told him you get used to it over time.
Sid was panting and making alot of noises as he climbed, prompting me to pay a little more attention to him. He was actually doing fine and just had the final section of crack to complete. I was willing him on as he grabbed the final hold and pulled himself over. He was grinning from ear to ear and just plain loving it. I wish I could have captured it all on film or something because I was just what climbing should be about. We walked back into the quarry, pausing briefly as Ronnie asked me to check his anchors. At the base I found Laura having a bit of a bad time of it on her HS. I think maybe just coldness, hangover and a steep quarried grit route had got the better of her. In the end I nipped up with a top-rope to give her a hand.

I then go rescued off a stupid solo attempt. I was done over by some birdcrap on a ledge and asked quietly for a rope. Andy the yelled at the top of his voice in his most urgent tone and Toaf appeared with a bouldering mat not a moment too soon. By now I was panicing but managed to down climb most of the way and fell of the last 10ft. A little shaken I walked thanked them.
More climbing was in order as the day was passing us by. Most of the club headed over to do a quick severe as we where loosing the daylight round this side. Me, Sid and Matt headed back into quarry figuring that the sun might be catching the wall. It was so I headed up S climb (VS 4c). After my fialed solo attempt I was a little shakey to say the least, so I took my time. Before I left the ground this time I made sure I explained everything I was doing. I really took my time, intending to enjoy all the moves and climb it with as little exersion as possible. I managed it quite well and I think this was my favourite route of the weekend.
Both Sid and Matt seconded this. Sid came up first complaining that his finger's were too fat for the final crack (they weren't). He topped out grinning. Matt then came up, struggling a bit more than Sid but he topped out yelling "yeah, yeah, woo, take that frenchy!". When I quizzed him on this he said "well he'd beaten me before on the other climbing, I couldn't let him win this!" We laugh and explained to Sid, who also laughed about it. Running down we figured we got time for another climb so pick the route next to it, , VS 4b. This kick started with an offwidth handjam crack which nearly had me beat. Then some decent gear before a groove with a massive chock in it. Jamming hand and fist on the one side and fingers on the other I pushed up for the top hold. Booyah! I salmoned my way over the top to finish.
The quarry was a tip so Me, Sid and Matt just tidied it up. We filled a big bag full of rubbish just from the quarry and the walk back to the others. Now was home time, but we needed to wait for Prescott to join us from the other crag. As we waited thus ensused a game of "Stuck in the Mud". If you know how competitive people get in the club you can imagine how this game went, let just say I went back covered in mud.
Back at the Hut we had a massive curry, before the evenings activities started. Andy had forgotten the paper plate awards, so did the "bits of stick I found by the fire instead" awards. I got not so wise old sage, from being the most experience member there in climbing, but pretty much nothing else. I then did a quiz which went down alright, though I probably pitched the questions a little hard. Then came the evenings drinking, which went pretty well. Amazingly there was no obscenity, but everyone get pretty drunk. There was some games, some chilling out and some serious playfighting, I crawled into a new bed by the fire at sometime close to 5am.
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