Aerobic exercise anyone...
A friend of mine has been bugging me to put up a post that isn't climbing related for a while now. I have been thinking away and writing somethings but nothing seems to inspire me like climbing to actually write stuff down I end up hitting a wall each time. I'm still trying to find something proper to write about but I've got this for now.
I've been neglecting my aerobic fitness for a while now. I'd like to list off many reasons like I have a job which is hard (sometimes) I'm away each weekend, I'm busy during the week, but the crux of the issue is I'm too lazy to go running or swimming. Running is boring and I only really like doing it in the rain I just haven't been inspired to get outside and run around the streets at night in the dark. I had a plan mind I'd go to football with my Dad.
Now I haven't played football in a while to say the least and I am very competitive when it comes to sport. I was nervous going down to play with a bunch of my Dad's mates who he's played with for nearly 30 years. We got there and he introduced me as his son. I don't think he expected me to remember everybodies name but I managed a few by the end. We played 6 (ish) a-side for about an hour. This I felt had nearly killed me, but I kept going to whole way through. I even scored 5 goals. However my enthusiasm meant I threw myself into every tackle and opptunity, usually coming off worse for wear with the floor!
Needless to say I also managed to trip over my feet after I'd beaten the last man and only had to tap it into an open goal. I'll definatly be going again.
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