Claire came down to mine on the friday night, and we woke for an early start tp pick up Andy, Ceara and Dan in Stoke. Clearly 0630 was too early to head off as Dan wasn't out of bed when we got there (a festival of stone throwing at his window and ringin his mobile ensued). That said 10 minutes later he was packed and read to go. This was good as he had the Froggat guide!
5 people crammed into Jess (my car) and off we rolled. The weather report for the peak was found wanting and I think we were all expecting to get rained off the crag. As we drove, the clouds darkened and the rain pourer. We tried in vain to out run it. That said when we arrived at the car park, it was dry. The clouds still loomed however.
I didn't make it first time. I missed the small hold that helps you round the lip and my strenght gave out. I fell off (all off about 2 inches) and lower off to have another go. As I did I watch Dan whip around the arete of Strapiombante as he'd slipped off the finaly move. He was alright but it looked a pretty nasty fall. Got to give it to the guy he got straight back on.
Back to Strapiombante and Dan. He said himself that his head wasn't with it on the day. I watched him take that whipper 5 times before he admitted defeat. I went up and finished the route. It was really bloody hard the last move so I'm not sure how I would have faired on the lead.
We headed over to Sunset Slab after for Sunset slab (HVS 4b) (Dan and Claire, whilst I soloed up afterwards) and Sunset Crack (HS 4c) (Andy and Ceara). Both great routes then I got myself all upside down in another roof crack but it was too hard and I backed off.
Tody's Wall (HVS 5a) was our next stop, which Dan said I should lead. They all waited eagerly for my to salmon onto the block, but I managed without. The hell hook was great and the slab and crack to finshed make it one of the best routes I've ever done. Got to thank Dan for suggesting I lead it.
We congragated below diamond crack (HS 4b) to end the day and I lead it with Andy. We enjoyed beers in the late afternoon sun so ending a great day out on grit.
(Pictures on Dans camera, either by Ceara or Dan)
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