Wednesday, 30 October 2013

2 months...

I've a friend (who'll read this and know I'm talking about him) who asked me the other day why I'd not updated my blog in ages. He said he missed reading them. I didn't know what to say. What was my justifiable excuse for not actually putting anything down on paper (or on screen). Christ dude! I've had  month in the alps! Surely I should have something to say for it?

I have but I always struggle to write it down after it happened. The same thing happened last year with my posts about what I'd been up to in the Ecrins. I don't know what it is about these bigger trips. Maybe it's the feeling that I can never get everything down onto paper. I just can't get all I want to say out of my head. I've not been idle however. I've a few words down about each climb, I just need to post them up.