If lack of mapping was my first mistake, then not heeding the advice of the "Jugholes Interpretation Pack" was my second. I only brought a small spanner. Jugholes has a few access points, two of which (shaft and adit) allow you to do a through trip of the lower series rather than coming out the same hole. The original plan had been to gain access via the Shaft and therefore we'd get to do some more SRT (on account og being rope monkeys). There was Finney, Sammy and Me to get down, and Sammie was to be lowered so she'd get to join us. This wasn't to be though, because I'd not brought a "LARGE SPANNER" (other than myself!) with me, and yes it is in capitals in the pack. We wouldn't be going down the shaft today, but in a nice way it does mean we've got something to go back and do.
Instead we access via the old adit entrance. This was dug out a few years ago and would have been how they'd gotten the ore/minerals out of the cave/mine that is Jugholes. The lower series, or at least part of it was originally known as "Noon Nick Mine" (probably after the noon nick vein that runs through it). Now it's a tube, stablised by a corrogated tube of metal before you enter the mine/cave properly. From here the path carries on through a volcanic rock with evidence of pick marks on the wall before there's traces of small blasting holes and use of pneumatic equipement. Then the was a beautiful roof that has been created from stacked blocks into an arch. The sign use before it (which I regretfully did not take a picture of) tells you the "keep low" so you won't dislodge anything. It really is a beautiful contruction though.
(The stacked and balanced roof of the adit entrance) |
Getting the then next (and largest cavern, the 3rd W/C) was up a slab and then along a very slanted chamber. In the ceiling there hve been P-bolts installed so you can protect it for outdoor groups, but we just ignored it all and carried on. No point getting the rope all muddy if we don't need it. We spent a while playing in this chamber (namely splashing in the puddles) and clambering around before I sent Finney off in the wrong direction and I had to check the survey. Finney was sent off in the right direction through an interesting passage that involved a lot of clambering and squeezing (and swearing at the bag) before the climb out was found. This I climb and rigged to bring Sammy up, Andy climbed out himself and this left us in the 2nd water cavern and what is the "main" entrance to Jugholes.
(This little guys is about 40mm across, and he wasn't the largest) |
We followed the streamway down looking at the amazing speolotherms and flowstone covered clays and rocks all the way down. By this point my camera was pretty much sealed into it's case (as I'd managed to loose my useful camera case and was therefore using a zip closure one... zips do not work very well when all gummed up with mud) and so I didn't take as many photos as I should have done. I know this cavern has some cave pearls, that I really wanted to find but I'd no real idea where to look. We did find some lovely fossils on the mass of blocks that has fallen down from the ceiling though. Instead we carried on following the stream until we came to the "beehive slopes".
This is a massive area of flowstone covered slopes interspersed by gour pools, which (when undisturbed) have some amazing cystal growth on thier sides, and are a green in colour. We clambered around the whole area, something that we probably were not supposed to do (and will not be doing next time). Finney planned out what he wasn't to bring next time to take some photographs of the cave and these slopes. Sadly time was against us at this point and so we headed back. This wasn't the normal "crawl out the way we'd come" because we managed to miss the way we'd come in and thus found ourselves lost. For a moment I didn't actually know where we were and Finney clocked this as I spent 5 minutes trying to decided if we should go left or right when two passages presented themselves (I did try and blag an explanation for my pondering, but it didn't float). However I'll thank the MLTE for teaching how to navigate and we hand railed the stream up to the wall and followed the well worn slope uphill till we arrived back at the chamber with the stakced deads. In the process, we also have a much easier (though muddier) way back in next time we go. I climbed out, chimneying carefully up the ginging and brought Sammy up on a rope (though she hardly needed it). Finney decided to practise some SRT and fully kitted up and jugged himself out. I guess if you can do it up and clayed up rope whilst covered in mud... then you can do it anywhere!